
About Us

Vision Ability Zimbabwe

Vision Ability Zimbabwe is a disability inclusive development organisation working in partnership with stakeholders to promote disability inclusion in development.


An inclusive society where people with disabilities are empowered to participate in mainstream development.


VAZ is a disability inclusive development organisation, committed to promoting the dignity, respect, equality of people with disabilities.

Who we are

About Us

We believe in involving people with disabilities including Organisations of People with Disabilities (OPDs) to promote an inclusive society for all. Bringing people with disabilities at the centre of development and disaster risk reduction in humanitarian action will influence positive and systematic change that ensures no person is left behind.

VAZ promotes a rights based approach to development and humanitarian action, aligning to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including other international and local instruments. Vision Ability Zimbabwe team has benefited from a legacy of the previous generation in the disability fraternity and thrives on the experience and expertise acquired over decades to deliver.

About Us